What is meant by “missing you”? How grave is the word “miss”? The introspection is doing the round since I have read one of my buddies’ custom message on GTalk which read "She was the prettiest one, save a sad song for her. Benazir we will miss you."
Yea, as you all know the charismatic leader has been assassinated yesterday in Rawalpindi. Sad enough, the poor lady appearing to be the meatiest part in this post is nothing but the catalyst to delve deep into the sea of “miss u”. Sorry Ms Bhutto, to “use” you even after you have left the mortal world. May your soul rest in peace. Amin!
Yea, as you all know the charismatic leader has been assassinated yesterday in Rawalpindi. Sad enough, the poor lady appearing to be the meatiest part in this post is nothing but the catalyst to delve deep into the sea of “miss u”. Sorry Ms Bhutto, to “use” you even after you have left the mortal world. May your soul rest in peace. Amin!
me: lol
Godspeed: ??
me: benazir missed by an indian- be-nazir act indeed
Godspeed: beauty is not bound by boundaries and LOCs
all this after im pro musharraf
me: there r 1000s of beauties like benazir
she was intelligent. pretty. assassinated
Godspeed: but there aint 100s of Benazirs...
me: am shocked.
thats all
Godspeed: am not ...
she had the guts to live thru all the heats..
and not chicken away...
leaders are different...
me: but to be missed by a common Indian...balderdash
Godspeed: ??
me: benazir missed by an indian- be-nazir act indeed
Godspeed: beauty is not bound by boundaries and LOCs
all this after im pro musharraf
me: there r 1000s of beauties like benazir
she was intelligent. pretty. assassinated
Godspeed: but there aint 100s of Benazirs...
me: am shocked.
thats all
Godspeed: am not ...
she had the guts to live thru all the heats..
and not chicken away...
leaders are different...
me: but to be missed by a common Indian...balderdash
(meanwhile, mirza’s take on the issue of missing Miss Bhutto :
me: aaaargh
she is dead. assassinated. am shocked. buty what more? she was never from us
"She was the prettiest one, save a sad song for her. Benazir we will miss you."
this is wat one of my pals has written on his custom msg
mirza: ask the pal to go and fall in the deepest darkest part of hell
benazir is waiting thr)
Godspeed: ye its human too.
the person u keep seeing on tv and read about in evry daily.suddenly u hear she is dead...
sounds a little more realistic than falling in love with some spanish actor ........
me: that makes u miss her
Godspeed: unheard in the wide world of english speakers
me: dint know the profundity of ur immature self
Godspeed: ye .......
sachin retires .....
wont we miss him
ganguly dropped
me: sachin will be missed by all the cricket lovers
Godspeed: dont we miss him
me: benazir will be missed by common pakis
but us?
dont be ridiculous
Godspeed: you are a very closed minded buffon
expand your horizon...babe
me: u missed another "o"
Godspeed: how can u question whether i miss her or not...
me: coz of this
"She was the prettiest one, save a sad song for her. Benazir we will miss you."
think rationally
Godspeed: ye
me: she was definitely not ur every nite fancy
but bernal is
most of the time
Godspeed: if we can listen to songs like Candle in the wind ...
me: i enjoyed his presence on screen
Godspeed: thts ur problem
me: dont dare compare him to that corrupt woman
Godspeed: i used to find her charismatic....
man ... u dont identify doesnt mean noone does..
me: even i find her charismatic, that doesnt mean we indians r goin to MISS her
Godspeed: To miss someone you cant have any conditions applied
wat corrupt...
me: yea wat corrupt
Godspeed: she is a courageous leader
me: even we r corrupt
Godspeed: ye evry one is
me: oh yea courage comes b4 corruption
be courageous to be corrupt
Godspeed: ye sure
the first female leader of an islamic state..
take some balls
me: and y do u hav prob wid my falling in love wid the mexican actor?
yea bernal is mexican not spanish
Godspeed: i dont have problems with your third world dreams
me: oh 3 rd world
and pakistan is...in the 1st rung
Godspeed: i never said wat is wat
just said third world
me: coz ?
Godspeed: pakistan is more in news than mexico
more powerful as a nation
me: mexico is third world state
yea coz of laden
how honorable
Godspeed: a little more GDP than mexico
me: plz dont bring economics here
Godspeed: third world is economics
me: u may now say swiss r culturally rich than indians!
i dont care
Godspeed: richer chocolates
me: mexico= frida, maya, colors, tequila, life
pakistan= veils, army rule, dark ages
Godspeed: it is ideally natural to identify with pakistanis than with mexicans on the other side of the world
me: how fascinating it is to hear that u second our eighbour
Godspeed: i have a lot of paki friends
me: so hav i
Godspeed: and i talk to them over ph..
wanna find out how much they are like us..
me: that doesn’t mean we will prefer the state to Mexico
Godspeed: i don wanna know bout Mexico...
simple i kno lots of pakis
me: then dont compare it wid that al Qaeda land
Godspeed: i kno the situation there
pakistan is not al Qaeda land
me: so u put pakistan ahead of mexico
how logical
Godspeed: then bengal is a naxal state
me: so?
Godspeed: any day
my neighbours
me: bengal isnt run by some general
Godspeed: if pakistan plays any other country i support them
ex general
get ur records rite
me: here u can ogle at women...poor paki men, all they can do is to be lost in the darkness of veils
Godspeed: thts misconception
me: oh ex.....i am so happy to know
Godspeed: pakistani majority is like us
its a few islamic radicals
me: that doesnt mean we will bring that country ahead of mexico
Godspeed: and benazir & nawaz sharif was trying power on the radical support
me: that doesnt permit u to insult my admiration for vernal
Godspeed: the radicals dont want musharraf
musharraf is himself very western and liberal
me: plz i know the contemporary history of paki
Godspeed: insult...... vernal
not interested with some culture i donno
these are as good as hebrew to me...
me: coz u r hardly interested in oder cultures
Godspeed: im not unrealistically obsessed like you are
im not
i sell to ppl of my land
me: wet dreaming benazir is so rational....i never knew
Godspeed: i don have time for anything
wet dreaming.....
it aint so .....even if
me: u do hav time to be a part of a brawl for winning a lost case
Godspeed: doesn’t matter win or lose
our neighbour
thtts period
me: who cares
Godspeed: neighbour ********************** global culture *******
be open to ideas and respect others likings
me: plz
dont try to sell me ur ridiculous custom msg
Godspeed: tui jerokom 1000 reasons dite parbi y benazir
i can also give 1000 reasons y carnal Bernal
me: charnal bernal
i like it
Godspeed: so dont think u r rational ..........
everyone is ...
me: ufff...u r going a diff way
i watch bernal's pix
i mean movies
benazir wasnt a part of my life
Godspeed: i like benazir as a courageous leader
me: uff abar shei katha
u admire her, respect her. i understand
Godspeed: a female face in the radical islamic world
me: but how can u miss her when she played no part in ur life?
Godspeed: a leader who embraced death for her ppl
tho i feel musharraf is a better leader for pakistan
how can u say she hasnt
she taught me a lesson
nothing shud deter you from pursuing your goal
a small lesson but a lesson
me: and u will miss her
Godspeed: tht cud make my life different
me: i doubt if u really mean thw ord "miss"
Godspeed: miss
simple word
miss her in the newspapers
miss the issues
miss her on tv
me: mis(s)understand
Godspeed: miss about reading about her in the forthcoming elections
me: how praiseworthy
Godspeed: thts ur mistake with english
miss is a simple word
me: benazir is bestowing blessings n love on u from hell
Godspeed: fuck off .........
As soon as Godspeed uttered the four letter word, it was he who disappeared! Must be the supernatural power of Ms Bhutto…a modern, smart, intelligent lady with occidental outlook can hardly bear her ardent fan across the border using abusive language…that too to an innocent meek vulnerable soul.
After coming to learn about the heated episode:
mirza: u know in this heat, u missed out poor rawalpindi local(Mr. Shoaib Akhtar).
He def deserved a mention
me: hey i was thinking of him wen i heard of the venue
i will blog it
but mirza honestly tell me
if u dont fancy benazir, how can u miss her being an afghan cave dweller?
mirza: is that a trick question?
me: na
just reply that
mirza: you don’t miss someone no cause they are dictators or some hosh posh politician..just how close they were to you
me: exactly...
thats wat my point is
how can u miss her? u may feel sorry for her. but miss...thats a big word
mirza: anyways..probably all he needs is a quite thinking over and he will be through
me: and he is a senior copywriter!
mirza: well lets start with a resignation!
me: aaaargh
she is dead. assassinated. am shocked. buty what more? she was never from us
"She was the prettiest one, save a sad song for her. Benazir we will miss you."
this is wat one of my pals has written on his custom msg
mirza: ask the pal to go and fall in the deepest darkest part of hell
benazir is waiting thr)
Godspeed: ye its human too.
the person u keep seeing on tv and read about in evry daily.suddenly u hear she is dead...
sounds a little more realistic than falling in love with some spanish actor ........
me: that makes u miss her
Godspeed: unheard in the wide world of english speakers
me: dint know the profundity of ur immature self
Godspeed: ye .......
sachin retires .....
wont we miss him
ganguly dropped
me: sachin will be missed by all the cricket lovers
Godspeed: dont we miss him
me: benazir will be missed by common pakis
but us?
dont be ridiculous
Godspeed: you are a very closed minded buffon
expand your horizon...babe
me: u missed another "o"
Godspeed: how can u question whether i miss her or not...
me: coz of this
"She was the prettiest one, save a sad song for her. Benazir we will miss you."
think rationally
Godspeed: ye
me: she was definitely not ur every nite fancy
but bernal is
most of the time
Godspeed: if we can listen to songs like Candle in the wind ...
me: i enjoyed his presence on screen
Godspeed: thts ur problem
me: dont dare compare him to that corrupt woman
Godspeed: i used to find her charismatic....
man ... u dont identify doesnt mean noone does..
me: even i find her charismatic, that doesnt mean we indians r goin to MISS her
Godspeed: To miss someone you cant have any conditions applied
wat corrupt...
me: yea wat corrupt
Godspeed: she is a courageous leader
me: even we r corrupt
Godspeed: ye evry one is
me: oh yea courage comes b4 corruption
be courageous to be corrupt
Godspeed: ye sure
the first female leader of an islamic state..
take some balls
me: and y do u hav prob wid my falling in love wid the mexican actor?
yea bernal is mexican not spanish
Godspeed: i dont have problems with your third world dreams
me: oh 3 rd world
and pakistan is...in the 1st rung
Godspeed: i never said wat is wat
just said third world
me: coz ?
Godspeed: pakistan is more in news than mexico
more powerful as a nation
me: mexico is third world state
yea coz of laden
how honorable
Godspeed: a little more GDP than mexico
me: plz dont bring economics here
Godspeed: third world is economics
me: u may now say swiss r culturally rich than indians!
i dont care
Godspeed: richer chocolates
me: mexico= frida, maya, colors, tequila, life
pakistan= veils, army rule, dark ages
Godspeed: it is ideally natural to identify with pakistanis than with mexicans on the other side of the world
me: how fascinating it is to hear that u second our eighbour
Godspeed: i have a lot of paki friends
me: so hav i
Godspeed: and i talk to them over ph..
wanna find out how much they are like us..
me: that doesn’t mean we will prefer the state to Mexico
Godspeed: i don wanna know bout Mexico...
simple i kno lots of pakis
me: then dont compare it wid that al Qaeda land
Godspeed: i kno the situation there
pakistan is not al Qaeda land
me: so u put pakistan ahead of mexico
how logical
Godspeed: then bengal is a naxal state
me: so?
Godspeed: any day
my neighbours
me: bengal isnt run by some general
Godspeed: if pakistan plays any other country i support them
ex general
get ur records rite
me: here u can ogle at women...poor paki men, all they can do is to be lost in the darkness of veils
Godspeed: thts misconception
me: oh ex.....i am so happy to know
Godspeed: pakistani majority is like us
its a few islamic radicals
me: that doesnt mean we will bring that country ahead of mexico
Godspeed: and benazir & nawaz sharif was trying power on the radical support
me: that doesnt permit u to insult my admiration for vernal
Godspeed: the radicals dont want musharraf
musharraf is himself very western and liberal
me: plz i know the contemporary history of paki
Godspeed: insult...... vernal
not interested with some culture i donno
these are as good as hebrew to me...
me: coz u r hardly interested in oder cultures
Godspeed: im not unrealistically obsessed like you are
im not
i sell to ppl of my land
me: wet dreaming benazir is so rational....i never knew
Godspeed: i don have time for anything
wet dreaming.....
it aint so .....even if
me: u do hav time to be a part of a brawl for winning a lost case
Godspeed: doesn’t matter win or lose
our neighbour
thtts period
me: who cares
Godspeed: neighbour ********************** global culture *******
be open to ideas and respect others likings
me: plz
dont try to sell me ur ridiculous custom msg
Godspeed: tui jerokom 1000 reasons dite parbi y benazir
i can also give 1000 reasons y carnal Bernal
me: charnal bernal
i like it
Godspeed: so dont think u r rational ..........
everyone is ...
me: ufff...u r going a diff way
i watch bernal's pix
i mean movies
benazir wasnt a part of my life
Godspeed: i like benazir as a courageous leader
me: uff abar shei katha
u admire her, respect her. i understand
Godspeed: a female face in the radical islamic world
me: but how can u miss her when she played no part in ur life?
Godspeed: a leader who embraced death for her ppl
tho i feel musharraf is a better leader for pakistan
how can u say she hasnt
she taught me a lesson
nothing shud deter you from pursuing your goal
a small lesson but a lesson
me: and u will miss her
Godspeed: tht cud make my life different
me: i doubt if u really mean thw ord "miss"
Godspeed: miss
simple word
miss her in the newspapers
miss the issues
miss her on tv
me: mis(s)understand
Godspeed: miss about reading about her in the forthcoming elections
me: how praiseworthy
Godspeed: thts ur mistake with english
miss is a simple word
me: benazir is bestowing blessings n love on u from hell
Godspeed: fuck off .........
As soon as Godspeed uttered the four letter word, it was he who disappeared! Must be the supernatural power of Ms Bhutto…a modern, smart, intelligent lady with occidental outlook can hardly bear her ardent fan across the border using abusive language…that too to an innocent meek vulnerable soul.
After coming to learn about the heated episode:
mirza: u know in this heat, u missed out poor rawalpindi local(Mr. Shoaib Akhtar).
He def deserved a mention
me: hey i was thinking of him wen i heard of the venue
i will blog it
but mirza honestly tell me
if u dont fancy benazir, how can u miss her being an afghan cave dweller?
mirza: is that a trick question?
me: na
just reply that
mirza: you don’t miss someone no cause they are dictators or some hosh posh politician..just how close they were to you
me: exactly...
thats wat my point is
how can u miss her? u may feel sorry for her. but miss...thats a big word
mirza: anyways..probably all he needs is a quite thinking over and he will be through
me: and he is a senior copywriter!
mirza: well lets start with a resignation!
- The Shepherdess
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