Wednesday, November 19, 2008

should i call it 'poor poem'?

Is an A4 size paper liable
To only a single poem?
Otherwise why this poem
(Call it a scribble,
Abandon it as trash,
I don’t mind)
Was afraid of not
Finding a place in the page
Flashing a poem already?
Was it apprehensive of not
Getting the touch of
My fingertips on the keyboard?
Was it anxious meeting a half-hearted
Poetic(you joking right?) soul
(As if this poem was wrong in thinking so)?

Cigarette in one hand, another
Following the Alert mind
Pressing the keys…
Ears filtering in some strange words
Used by the Nazis once…
Poor little poem of mine
What a fateful day you have chosen
To be born,
By a surrogate mother.

-The Shepherdess


Just hug me tight
Save me from being lost
In the abysmal darkness.

Hold me in all might
Shelter me from wolves,
Eyes blazing from coldness.

What’s wrong? What’s right?
The world is a maze offering
Cold shoulder to tenderness.

Missing you Solitude, badly.

-The Shepherdess