Show me the places of your agony, O Christ, o spring
O first born harvest, show me where the scythe has cut through thee
My lips thirst for your wounds, my brother, my spouse
I long to feel your pain, immerse me, o Christ, o stormy wind
Nothing about me is true or sincere except my prayer to you
My longing for you, my brother, my spouse
Forgive me and come to me, o dark sea, my brother, my spouse
My heart has pined for you since I knew love, do not abandon me
Forget your just wrath to me, come to me
None but you can turn me towards the path of penitence and righteousness
Do not abandon me, my parents have abandoned me, my friends have left me
Do not leave me, my sweet brother, my spouse, let me tend to your wounds
Where the roman soldier pierced your chest with a spear, and the blood flew out
Of your fair chest, like doves from a cleft in the rocks
Your hair is matted with sweat and blood, let me brush your hair dry and clean
My brother, my spouse, do not abandon me
My lips are parched for your lips where the roman soldier wetted you with vinegar
Your lips are wine-red, how fair are you my brother, how emaciated like a soldier in a Hospital, if you leave, the candles will all be extinguished
Do not leave me, show me a sign that you still love me, my brother, my sweet spouse
How handsome is my brother as he rides to war
Beware o night, o evil, o solitude, my brother is with me
See the crimson sash he wears across his soldier, with the golden and purple cross
My brother is with me, and each day is a test where we fight against the forces
Of the world
The forces of life rise in torrent after torrent, o death where is your conquest?
O misery, where is your victory, the Cross rides triumphant
O first born harvest, show me where the scythe has cut through thee
My lips thirst for your wounds, my brother, my spouse
I long to feel your pain, immerse me, o Christ, o stormy wind
Nothing about me is true or sincere except my prayer to you
My longing for you, my brother, my spouse
Forgive me and come to me, o dark sea, my brother, my spouse
My heart has pined for you since I knew love, do not abandon me
Forget your just wrath to me, come to me
None but you can turn me towards the path of penitence and righteousness
Do not abandon me, my parents have abandoned me, my friends have left me
Do not leave me, my sweet brother, my spouse, let me tend to your wounds
Where the roman soldier pierced your chest with a spear, and the blood flew out
Of your fair chest, like doves from a cleft in the rocks
Your hair is matted with sweat and blood, let me brush your hair dry and clean
My brother, my spouse, do not abandon me
My lips are parched for your lips where the roman soldier wetted you with vinegar
Your lips are wine-red, how fair are you my brother, how emaciated like a soldier in a Hospital, if you leave, the candles will all be extinguished
Do not leave me, show me a sign that you still love me, my brother, my sweet spouse
How handsome is my brother as he rides to war
Beware o night, o evil, o solitude, my brother is with me
See the crimson sash he wears across his soldier, with the golden and purple cross
My brother is with me, and each day is a test where we fight against the forces
Of the world
The forces of life rise in torrent after torrent, o death where is your conquest?
O misery, where is your victory, the Cross rides triumphant