The following...unedited...well except for some name changes....so de riguer nowadays....is an excerpt from the daily life of the shepherdess....as good a way to start a happy new year as any...
The interlocutors are the pastoress and your truly....the man being spoken of her confusedness has chosen to call mains sales....with obscure and pedantic references to sartre...she can be REALLY obscure sometimes...wonder if thats the reason for her failed affairs...anyways, i digress...
O...and for the uneducated....[count me among them].... mains sales means dirty hands...
Mention will also be made in passim....[latin...oohlala]...or en passant....uff....to a certain Mr. Dirtymind....more of him later.....a well educated guy with a standing infatuation on the shepherdess....her and mine favorite pastimes are to sniggle behind his back....he has a very fertile soul....
Looks of both mains sales and dirty hands are passable...[thank god...i hate competition]....and that was a shakespearian aside...
Without further ado...curtains roll....
wolf: i am very bourgeois
shepherdess: good to b bourgeois today
wolf: (laughs) why?
shepherdess: otherwise u can't say 'tata'
wolf: (laughs)
shepherdess: parents r back?
wolf: ya
wolf: hoes his revolutionaryness ?
shepherdess: why r ya laughin?
shepherdess: hoes?
wolf: dirtymind
shepherdess: ufff
wolf: (laughs) so..
wolf: did u orgsmaically bring in the new year?
shepherdess: so?
shepherdess: nopes
wolf: n plz dont say u can't hav orgasms
wolf: thats too petit-bourgeois
shepherdess: (laughs)
The interlocutors are the pastoress and your truly....the man being spoken of her confusedness has chosen to call mains sales....with obscure and pedantic references to sartre...she can be REALLY obscure sometimes...wonder if thats the reason for her failed affairs...anyways, i digress...
O...and for the uneducated....[count me among them].... mains sales means dirty hands...
Mention will also be made in passim....[latin...oohlala]...or en passant....uff....to a certain Mr. Dirtymind....more of him later.....a well educated guy with a standing infatuation on the shepherdess....her and mine favorite pastimes are to sniggle behind his back....he has a very fertile soul....
Looks of both mains sales and dirty hands are passable...[thank god...i hate competition]....and that was a shakespearian aside...
Without further ado...curtains roll....
wolf: i am very bourgeois
shepherdess: good to b bourgeois today
wolf: (laughs) why?
shepherdess: otherwise u can't say 'tata'
wolf: (laughs)
shepherdess: parents r back?
wolf: ya
wolf: hoes his revolutionaryness ?
shepherdess: why r ya laughin?
shepherdess: hoes?
wolf: dirtymind
shepherdess: ufff
wolf: (laughs) so..
wolf: did u orgsmaically bring in the new year?
shepherdess: so?
shepherdess: nopes
wolf: n plz dont say u can't hav orgasms
wolf: thats too petit-bourgeois
shepherdess: (laughs)
wolf: shut up, women can't be impotent.... its the only advantage of being a woman
wolf: major advantage
wolf: why r ya upset?
shepherdess: what?
shepherdess: what a prob....!
wolf: uff, fake one
wolf: (laughs uncontrollably) post that on our blog
wolf: it'll be a sure hot
wolf: hit (laughs)
wolf: shutup
shepherdess: (laughs)
shepherdess: shut up
wolf: hit (laughs)
wolf: shutup
shepherdess: (laughs)
shepherdess: shut up
wolf: Vivekanandan self-control
shepherdess: not mine....mains sales's
shepherdess: not mine....mains sales's
shepherdess: he does...i don't allow him to...
shepherdess: (laughs)
wolf: so u r Sister Nivedita
wolf: and people say we r in kalyug?.... shame on them
shepherdess: i will kill u
wolf: (laughs)
shepherdess: i am serious, i am in distress
wolf: (laughs) as a friend once said....she wants me to giv her a sweet n long death
wolf: by the way....
shepherdess: what?
wolf: do u like the feel of cold steeel on ur skin?
shepherdess: what? nopes.
wolf: really?
shepherdess: i dont like usually...but in summer times
wolf: ahem...
wolf: how dya know?
shepherdess: r ya crazy?
wolf: (laughs) gal no. 2(one of the million girls in the wolf's life who hav a crush on him) and i were discussing today in class
wolf: there's a method in madness..
shepherdess: like?
wolf: people who prefer mating game often like the hint of danger
a steel on ur skin....amor et mors
shepherdess: morts?('mort' in french means dead)
wolf: death..... see
shepherdess: u wrote 'mors'
shepherdess: yes
wolf: latin
shepherdess: ok
wolf: u should get a new bf
shepherdess: (laughs)
wolf: so u r Sister Nivedita
wolf: and people say we r in kalyug?.... shame on them
shepherdess: i will kill u
wolf: (laughs)
shepherdess: i am serious, i am in distress
wolf: (laughs) as a friend once said....she wants me to giv her a sweet n long death
wolf: by the way....
shepherdess: what?
wolf: do u like the feel of cold steeel on ur skin?
shepherdess: what? nopes.
wolf: really?
shepherdess: i dont like usually...but in summer times
wolf: ahem...
wolf: how dya know?
shepherdess: r ya crazy?
wolf: (laughs) gal no. 2(one of the million girls in the wolf's life who hav a crush on him) and i were discussing today in class
wolf: there's a method in madness..
shepherdess: like?
wolf: people who prefer mating game often like the hint of danger
a steel on ur skin....amor et mors
shepherdess: morts?('mort' in french means dead)
wolf: death..... see
shepherdess: u wrote 'mors'
shepherdess: yes
wolf: latin
shepherdess: ok
wolf: u should get a new bf
hmmmm....the rest of the academic discussion then went to u2's album etc....
the language used is primarily English with occasional digressions in French and Latin....
the above is merely an excellent study of a cosmo-girl's woes....
aka single and the city....helas....:-(
apologies are offered for the horrible punctuation skills...blame the method of copypasting, man's failure to advance better techniques....and the shepherdess's laziness... (by the way, it was the shepherdess who played the editor!)
as u know...the wolf is a saint...
anyone out there?...:-p
alas...the shepherdess has had a sudden attack of modesty...she wanted to become a nun...[maybe coz shes impotent?....hmmm]....i hav cut her down to be content only with editing posts
wonder if she likes them cut or uncut?
Wolf :
an absolutely charming and adorable woman, her wild eyes can launch a thousand ships and crush the hearts of a thousand lovers, dark and brooding yet light like a swan, she is intelligent and wise....a piercing and inquisitive mind ever ready to probe the depths of life, she is kind and good and gentle to use that wisdom to make others happy....and what is most, as i shall vouch, she is the bestest of friends, and when everyone else has abandoned you, she will heal you and understand your sorrow and tell you how to get better....thank you soas for making me believe that there are still good people in this world, for you are a candle to it,a guardian angel, a defender and a shield.....her wit and laughter makes the world a more pleasant place, her guidance makes it a happier way to find whatever it is we are looking for....que le Dieu reste toujours avec toi, nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum.
Shepherdess :
What shud i write abt u, Wolf? tell the monde how intelligent u r? write abt ur bizarre sense of humor? inform men how different you are from the rest? all seem too cliché!..verily, mah mots may sound very hackneyed but i hav to admit that i hav never come across a soul, that too, just 21, to be so well informed abt everything going on earth;will eulogize sans cess how profound is ur savoir-faire abt human minds...always keen to probe the (Deep)maze of the human heart.u r simply genius!
but keeping apart ur intelligence and savoir, what makes u the best of the rest, is ur goodness, ur humanity...Wolf, what i Love most abt u is that u r a true-blue gentleman..as a human being, u r entitled to score 10/10 -an impeccable and quintessential person who stands always by mah side, who shares every tear of mah eye..and whoz always eager to pull mah leg(well, that does not make me Zad, i thoroughly enjoy it];another secret, even the sweet potato admits that u r an egghead..teee heee..!
Wolf, u r the SWEETEST THING!
"Our shadows taller than our soul"
Good attempt guys..
all this time..
all of them thought..
that d wolf wil eat hr up..
but as it terned up, the wolf got hurt..
the Shepherdess hurt him so bad, it made d wolf cry..
the wolf nvr had the strength to protect his weakest part..
the wolf and the Shepherdess are still alive, like fire n knife..
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