You live in one part of the world
And I in another
And maybe we will never meet…
As I was bathing today and the warm water gushed over my cold skin
Feeling into the pores, places I never knew you could fill
There’s something telling me (maybe it’s just a delusion)
There’s someone telling me (maybe it’s just an illusion)
That everything’s gonna be just fine
You live in one part of the world
And I in another
And maybe we will never meet…
Maybe you are just an excuse, an outlet to pour all the love
I never knew existed in me
Maybe you don’t matter (but I think of you all the time)
Maybe you are just an excuse (…and I am not exaggerating)
A friendly ghost I needed, a cheshire smile
To make me a better person
You live in one part of the world
And I in another
But when my knees are pressed against the wall
Why do I feel you behind me?
Holding my waist
Nuzzling the back of my ear, as though I were a truant boy
In a school that never got over
As one period stretched after another
(A friend told me I never grew up)
I wanna feel you inside me
It doesn’t matter where you are
Tonight when I start dancing
If it’s true you live in another part of the world
(And maybe we will never meet…)
Then why tonight when I start dancing
I feel, in some part of the world
(Somewhere I may never go)
Throbbing against a window where the snowflakes have just begun to fall
You too are pressed against the wall
Your button nose staring outside
And then you too, moved by the air,
Your slender waist starts dancing
And though you don’t want to love me
What makes me think you can’t resist?
Fall for me
It’s the best thing that will ever happen to you
Maybe you are just an excuse
I needed to be a better person
But you really make me want to be a better person
For you
So just let go tonight
Just fall for me
Trust me, (hold my waist)
It’s the best thing (twirl your toes around mine)
(Am just a gawky boy, asking you for a dance
It doesn’t need to mean anything more)
It’s the best thing
( Fall for me)
It’s the best thing that will ever happen to you.
And I in another
And maybe we will never meet…
As I was bathing today and the warm water gushed over my cold skin
Feeling into the pores, places I never knew you could fill
There’s something telling me (maybe it’s just a delusion)
There’s someone telling me (maybe it’s just an illusion)
That everything’s gonna be just fine
You live in one part of the world
And I in another
And maybe we will never meet…
Maybe you are just an excuse, an outlet to pour all the love
I never knew existed in me
Maybe you don’t matter (but I think of you all the time)
Maybe you are just an excuse (…and I am not exaggerating)
A friendly ghost I needed, a cheshire smile
To make me a better person
You live in one part of the world
And I in another
But when my knees are pressed against the wall
Why do I feel you behind me?
Holding my waist
Nuzzling the back of my ear, as though I were a truant boy
In a school that never got over
As one period stretched after another
(A friend told me I never grew up)
I wanna feel you inside me
It doesn’t matter where you are
Tonight when I start dancing
If it’s true you live in another part of the world
(And maybe we will never meet…)
Then why tonight when I start dancing
I feel, in some part of the world
(Somewhere I may never go)
Throbbing against a window where the snowflakes have just begun to fall
You too are pressed against the wall
Your button nose staring outside
And then you too, moved by the air,
Your slender waist starts dancing
And though you don’t want to love me
What makes me think you can’t resist?
Fall for me
It’s the best thing that will ever happen to you
Maybe you are just an excuse
I needed to be a better person
But you really make me want to be a better person
For you
So just let go tonight
Just fall for me
Trust me, (hold my waist)
It’s the best thing (twirl your toes around mine)
(Am just a gawky boy, asking you for a dance
It doesn’t need to mean anything more)
It’s the best thing
( Fall for me)
It’s the best thing that will ever happen to you.
~scio amo, il lupo
Enough of good or bad.
Scio, u make me feel gawky too, unable to throw attitude during moments of sexual control.
A disgraced moment, when the cowboy was adorned with a politician’s hat and he played fool in front of the diva…
Yes, u are just an excuse, an insecurity, one that puts me on the edge… beyond the ecstacy of self deprived romance to one of silly, soulful melancholy.
God it hurts. Dance with me, wanna strip u wet… or else make ur shit smell good on my table.
.royIt's been a long time... a poem made me desire... the ecstacy and the pain...
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