It is not known if zaid's haven is or is not heaven..most likely being damp wet and untouched, it resembles a prehistoric cave rather than heaven..but well, we could ignore that
more serious is this newfangled cult..utter nonsense if u ask me...pleasure can never be found in human beings...
make war not lust..if u ask me, frankly speaking...human beings are not worth loving..if you love them, they will tease you and throw you away like a discarded linen..ignore them, and they will cling to you
take pleasure in yourself..you are your own heaven,,,never love.,,never lust either,,,those young things will fade away,,,fly away leaving you alone...one day you will come to your window, and stare at an open cage
take pleasure in yourself...so zaid, put bananas to creative uses...lol..you know they are good lubricants too...dont wait for your love...use lemons...love nature as rousseau says...rub yourself against a tree...stare wildly at a sunset...dear reader, lay yourself on a beach withput anything on you but a smile...and feel the warm sand caress you...coax you into abandon...they will never leave you..unlike humans...
feel the breeze teasing your ear..use that opportunity to pluck a jasmine..and wrapping it in an envelope send it to your ex's present partner...by all means, ruin their relationship..and welcome sin into your world...hell too is in you
dont ever love..are you in love?...i'll tell u the symptoms...[coz if u r, then run,,.]....do u wait for a word from ur friend as tho it were the most precious thing in the world? does a word from her or him make you feel you hav reached heaven. gained light? do you feel you cant ever leave them, coz if you do you will kill yourself...do you prefer eternal torment to the thought of leaving them?
when you think of leaving them, do you feel like vomiting? when you feel they are leaving you, do you fell someone has torn apart your intestines,,and like some weird japanese harakiri has left you all twisted up without anything inside you
do you want to be with your friend all your life? do you feel they are the best in you, and you are nothing without them?
and zaid is wrong...we fools we fall in lust and end in love...we look for a casual fling, an anonymous flirtation, a brief rondel, and then.,,,,and then they grow on you,,,those young things,,,,they grow on you...till your every sense vibrates to them, and them only
never fall in lust...that coquettish glance with which you steal hearts...that hand with which you warm a thigh, it will imprison you,,,till your lust will imprison you.,.till your desires enfold you.,,,and all you will love is your beloved
put fruits to good uses,,,use sand creatively...or even a blindfold..take pleasure,,ye.,,but in the sun and the empty sky,,[soon even in the clouds, you will start seeing their face,,and the sun it will seem is painting the horizon with the blush of their cheeks..run,,,]
just run away from yourself....from your senses.,.into dark alleys..into empty pubs..no matter where....just run away from yourself
and run away from zaidism
for we poor men,,,we start to fall in lust..with a flutter of an eye, and the swish of a word.,..a carissime, a song of the streets...
and we are in love..
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