Now I know for all you connoisseurs of the widow this might seem a rather heretical question...one of those mysteries of faith that are best kept silent about....yet poor scholar that i am...:-p...the question intrigues me...is the widow a virgin?...has she ever done anyone?...has she really ever let anyone into her....ahhm....i suppose private salon could be a suitable gibbonian euphemism...lol
lets sort out the evidence...she has obviously had numerous flings...if u ask her how far they went, she normally coyly bats her eyelids and blushes like any good hindoo widow...which is fine...but...
damned tease...
a little birdie however revealed...[see little boys n gals...ur moms were right...never hav too many onenightstands...the evidence is awefully difficult to manage...:-(]
apparently..ahhm...okay this is getting very delicate...ahhm..well...umm....foof...she kinda lets ppl in but not fully..like india batting but not winning..or saurav waving his teeshirt but not really being...u know...a stripdancer...woof
there still remains two problems though...and i'll be happy if anyone can enlighten...
y on earth is she so coy bout it? u'v done it...so be a good south asian lady in london n boast bout it...[must be some patriarchal atavism...lol]
and how far excatly i mean u know can u actually go without ummm changing the definition of ummm
ok...bfor this turns gross...[as if it wasnt oohso indelicate n wickid already...O:-)]
lets wind up our red wine chalice etc report n proclaim...{medically speaking]
SO ANYONE OUT THERE WHO WOULD PREFER TO ALTER THAT STATUS...[u know krishnagars not that bad a place...tho the last time the mosquitoes in the bed were just toooo...uff]
so widow...on ur part...try investing ur capital in some good insecticides...ie ofcours u do wish to lose ur status akimbo
whewwww....what vulgarities must not one indulge in for the sake of science...(coitus interruptus included...lol)
o..n btw...the widow..(by her own confession) likes getting touched...and i dont mean emotionally...:I
lets sort out the evidence...she has obviously had numerous flings...if u ask her how far they went, she normally coyly bats her eyelids and blushes like any good hindoo widow...which is fine...but...
damned tease...
a little birdie however revealed...[see little boys n gals...ur moms were right...never hav too many onenightstands...the evidence is awefully difficult to manage...:-(]
apparently..ahhm...okay this is getting very delicate...ahhm..well...umm....foof...she kinda lets ppl in but not fully..like india batting but not winning..or saurav waving his teeshirt but not really being...u know...a stripdancer...woof
there still remains two problems though...and i'll be happy if anyone can enlighten...
y on earth is she so coy bout it? u'v done it...so be a good south asian lady in london n boast bout it...[must be some patriarchal atavism...lol]
and how far excatly i mean u know can u actually go without ummm changing the definition of ummm
ok...bfor this turns gross...[as if it wasnt oohso indelicate n wickid already...O:-)]
lets wind up our red wine chalice etc report n proclaim...{medically speaking]
SO ANYONE OUT THERE WHO WOULD PREFER TO ALTER THAT STATUS...[u know krishnagars not that bad a place...tho the last time the mosquitoes in the bed were just toooo...uff]
so widow...on ur part...try investing ur capital in some good insecticides...ie ofcours u do wish to lose ur status akimbo
whewwww....what vulgarities must not one indulge in for the sake of science...(coitus interruptus included...lol)
o..n btw...the widow..(by her own confession) likes getting touched...and i dont mean emotionally...:I
1 comment:
another unparalleled paradigm of the pervert:-|..the widow is honoured.thank u lusty lupe. clap clap....
-the shepherdess
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