Sunday, March 25, 2007

La Vie en Rose...Life in Pink

Ok...this is not bout Edith Piaf crooning...and me being oh-so-stylish and feeling oh-so-emo..and being sad about sleeping well lying lonely in my bed listening to a song when i coild jolly well go for a jocky jog bout a much more earthy

Lets get this over with...quickly...woof...I discovered one of my closest friends is...umm...u know...hes a guy...but...umm...woof...umm...likes sausages...if u know what i mean...:-p

So i did what any soi-disant straight boy would...acted as if i didnt know n flirted atrociously with him...:-I

Now mind you...i love,,,ummm...ok like any good boy i wont use the three letter g-y flipped over n asked the widow for a respectable synonym....

now tho shes a tad homophobic at times...[prolly coz the pinks dont run after her,,,hehe]...she was obliged n said smilingly write...cock-a-hoop..n went back brushing her cock-a-hoop it is

I LOVE question bout it....coz i believe everone should be allowed to do whoever they want...coz i am a liberal...coz i am angelical...coz i still think coz the widow is a trans... coz i think
love is matter whom u love...

[ok these were the goody-two-shoes reasons...]....the real reason is they are the only guys who [besides being sinfully witty most of the time]...fall for me...:I...

Really they are always sweet on me...which is trust me...really oooooooooooooh....n i can flutter my eyelids blush a little n see in a moment manjelly in front of me...i am so lickable...wanna lolllypop me?...lolol.....i am pretty damn high-maintenance though...:-( get backto our friend whom i hav known for 3 years...whom i hav never seen witha girlfriend n thought thats only coz hes too much in love with books to love boo-s...oops...[gross..swas jus shouted at me..]....well he was caught exchanging addresses and howdoulooks and whatsurages with some...ummm...flagrant ,,,ummms...

which is fine...i mean...coooooooool...hes finally doing someone...even tho i wonder if the guy can cook... love my food...sinful....

well...asked swas how i should react...she looked nonchalantly n with a halfhidden sneer said...its not as if u wanna b-d every gal u sit beside jus coz u r y worry bout him?....silly she..i wasnt worrying....jus thinking how

he me n gal no.2...[more on her later] went on a rural trip the next day...i did as i said what any straight boy would do..swept my eyelashes atleast 500 times...coyly smiled blushed bit my lips sent innuendoes flirted with the girl to make him jealous

THE GUY WAS OBLIVIOUS...:-(..didnt even react...:-(

THANK GOD I AM STRAIGHT...COZ IF I WERE NOT I COULD HAV SLAMDANKED HIM THEN N THERE...tleast a few fisticuffs me a cockadoodlebasher if u will...but i jus dont like ppl ignoring me!

the story however has a happy the end of the trip i was all sweaty n heaving...he gently cocked his head n said..."You are still looking great"...

hmm....bloody tease...

oh...n i remembered...he had complimented me before too...casually...generally after a hot day of work...

made a mental note..hes prolly into sweat...

hmmm...i am still straight...mirza thinks i hav the hots for the widow,....hmmm...maybe i'll forgive the cock-a-hoop

hmmm....i love la vie en rose...n honestly..the piaf song too...

n just in case anyone got any ideas...i am stilll for sale...n as far as i see...female buyers only

~~scio amo

1 comment: said...

well,quite a familiar story,but in a unfamiliar style...
this Swas seems to be a